14 days Tropical Remote Work Bootcamp


100% focused on empowering you to live a life with freedom by enabling you to work remotely

Only 12 spots available!!

Create a plan to get out of the rat race and design your dream life!

Discover how to secure remote work that aligns with your values

Connect with like-minded high achieving freedom seekers like yourself!

Explore the highlights of Thailand and have everything taken care of for you!

2023: You thought about working remotely

2024: You’re living the life you always dreamed of!

Michelle, from Remote Rebellion (RR) and Joe, from Digital Nomad Adventures (DNA) have joined forces to ensure you get everything you need to get location independence by securing well paid remote work that aligns with your values.

so you can design your dream life.

Michelle & Joe both worked as recruiters in London, but wanted more from life than a 9-5 office job!

Joe has been changing lives through group travel for over 10 years and Michelle has helped hundreds of senior professionals like you to secure remote work with the Remote Job Academy in Thailand

Struggle to find time and motivation to make your dreams a reality?

Having flexibility in your schedule, deciding where you want to work, the freedom to travel or just to spend more time with your family – Remote Work is the only way.

Stop putting off your dream and join us in Thailand to enjoy a distraction-free environment with other high achievers who are committed to securing remote work in 2024.

There’ll be 33+ hours of workshops, led by Michelle, an ex recruiter who has helped hundreds of senior professionals to land their ideal remote role. From determining exactly what it is you want, to taking action and connecting you with the right people, you’ll have everything you need to achieve your goal of working fully remotely!

It’s not all work and no play though, there’ll be plenty of time to sip coconuts on the beach, lounge in hammocks, kayak on the lake, have massages, eat lots of delicious Thai food and try activities you’ve always said you would do ‘one day’.

So why not use your vacation days to truly rest and recover in Thailand and take action on achieving the life you’ve been dreaming ?!

The 2 week Remote Rebellion Retreat includes:

1:1 support with a Remote Work Coach - As well as 1:1 support during the trip with Michelle & Joe, you'll get lifetime access to Remote Job Academy Premium Programme [valued at over €3115] PLUS over 33 Hours of in-person workshops in Thailand and introductions to hiring managers at remote first companies.

13 nights of accommodation - Stay in private rooms with air con in the famous Lebua Tower 5* Hotel in Bangkok, a beach front resort in Koh Phangan and 2 unique nights in floating bungalows at Khao Sok National Park!

Logistics taken care of – All of your activities and domestic transport is taken care of so you can fully focus on your goal. Transport includes airport pickup, 1 domestic Flight from Bangkok to Surat Thani, the bus and Boat to/from Khao Sok, the ferry from Khao Sok to Phangan and all transportation in Koh Phangan for activities.

Unforgettable Experiences - Enjoy the highlights that Thailand has to offer. From cultural experiences with temple visits and a Thai Boxing fight, to fun filled activities with breathtaking snorkelling scenes and a sunset catamaran sailing trip around the island. If you want to get your heart pumping:- experience Thai Boxing with a class by a local champion and try your hand at wakeboarding, paddle boarding and kayaking. Or if you’re looking for relaxation we’ve got hiking, yoga and massages planned too!

A Healthier, Happier & Productive YOU! Reading all of this, it’s almost impossible to put a value on the memories of a lifetime you’re guaranteed with this trip. You’ll meet people that will impact your life forever and get all the insights and connections you need to have freedom and flexibility in your life!

Remote Rebellion has helped hundreds of senior professionals to get remote work and have more freedom. See what they have to say…

Learn how to land a remote job and experience the freedom of remote work in Thailand!

We’ll take care of the trip details, so you can make the most of this life-changing adventure!

✅ In-person workshops & personalised feedback whilst sipping coconuts on a tropical island

✅ Explore all the best spots and have authentic experiences in Thailand

✅ Feel safe, motivated and excited about securing remote work that aligns with your values.

14 Days Focused on Achieving Full Freedom


Remote Work Bootcamp in Paradise

Secure your spot today for just $500 and join us on the ONLY Remote Rebellion retreat of 2024!

Only 12 spots available!

This is for you, if...

You’ve been thinking about working remotely but don’t know where to start! 😵‍💫

Focussing on your values, desires and priorisitisng your well-being, together with the support of the community and Michelle’s expertise, we’ll design your new remote life together!

You’re so busy that you don’t have the time (or energy) to dedicate to searching and applying to remote work. 😵‍💫

Take some time to rest, free from your stressful life and take action in a distraction-free environment with Michelle guiding you along the way and the group keeping you accountable.

You’ve been trying and applying but you can’t seem to land a fully remote job. 😵‍💫

Rather than trying to do it on your own, without any feedback, you’ll go through a holistic process that incorporates mindset, confidence, strategy and the all important action plan that isn’t just improving your resume!

Learn how to get remote work on a tropical island!

✅ 33+ hours of in person workshops spread over 14 days

✅ ✅ PLUS Lifetime access to Remote Job Academy Premium Programme [valued at over €3115]

✅ Full remote ready resume makeover and strategy to apply much faster

✅ ✅ PLUS Your new resume shared with Michelles network of 13,000+ recruiters

✅ Unlimited 1:1 support during the trip with Michelle and Joe

✅ ✅ PLUS Additional weekly group calls with Michelle for 10 weeks after the trip

✅ Customised LinkedIn transformation.

✅ ✅ PLUS Personalised introductions to hiring managers and founders in remote first companies

✅ Additional 1:1 call with Michelle to use any time after the trip.

✅ ✅ PLUS 25+ fully remote jobs hand picked just for you

✅ Exclusive access to the RR community with over 100 remote rebels

Hurry!! 12 spots only!!

The Full 14 Day Experience:

Day One - Settle In & Get Acquainted

Arrive in Bangkok

Airport Pickup

Rooftop Sunset Once everyone has arrived at the Hotel, we'll meet for welcome drinks and some introductory speeches.

7pm: Dinner Explore Bangkok’s street food culture, sampling some of Thailand culinary delights and arguably the best food in the world!

Day Two - Cultural Immersion


9am - 1pm: River Cruise & Temples We’ll take a cruise on the famous Chao Phraya River to visit two sacred Buddhist temples where your guide will explain the history and give you a insight into Thai culture.

3 - 4pm: Thai Massage An hour to ease away any jet jag and allow you to truly real.

6pm: Sunset Dinner & Drinks After some relaxation we’ll head to one of the best rooftop restaurants in Bangkok to catch the sunset, the view over Bangkok and enjoy some delicious food.

Day Three - Digital Detox Time

Khao Sok National Park

7am - Travel Time Starting early to really make the most of the National park. We’ll fly at 9am, flying south to Surat Thani and then travelling by private minibus and the most majestic boat ride to the floating bungalows! 

1pm - Arrive at Khao Sok & Lunch Once you’ve settled into your floating bungalow, home for 2 nights, we’ll have lunch- fresh fish caught from the lake! [vegan options available] Surrounded by limestone cliffs, crystal clear waters, tropical rainforests  we’re going screen free to truly be in the moment. 

3 - 5pm:  Workshop Navigating Remote Work: Going going back to pen to paper learning the ins and outs of remote work: The differences between fully remote and work from anywhere and the tax and legal implications around working outside of your home country. 

5 - 7pm: Kayak/ Swim/ Relax This is your time to truly unwind and enjoy the surroundings. Michelle & Joe will be around to answer any questions you have based on the things covered in the workshop .

7pm: Dinner Finish the day with a group dinner under the stars. If we’re lucky we’ll see millions of them, with no light pollution around!

Day Four - Digital Detox Time

Khao Sok National Park

Morning: Wake up in paradise How many times have you woken up on a beautiful fresh water late, surrounded by jungle and mountains? We recommend getting up early to enjoy the magical first hours of light and have a dip before breakfast.

12pm: Lunch Enjoy a group lunch and get to know each other a little better.

2 - 4pm: Workshop - Creating a winning strategy: A good strategy is more than just a plan. Today we’ll cover “knowing yourself’, confidence, productivity and what hiring managers and recruiters want to see!

4 - 7pm: Kayak/ Swim/ Relax This is your time to truly unwind and enjoy the surroundings. Michelle & Joe will be around to answer any questions you have based on the things covered in the workshop.

7pm: Dinner Finish the day with a group dinner under the stars. If we’re lucky we’ll see millions of them, with no light pollution around!

Day Five - Home for the Next 9 Days

Koh Phangan

9am - 1pm: Travel to Koh Phangan Now you’re fully rested after 2 days digital deox, it’s time to head to our new home  for the next 9 days so we can make real progress in the workshops and design your dream life!

4 - 6pm Workshop Personal Branding: Once you’re settled into your bungalow at Tiki Beach, we’ll work on how to define your personal brand, create an elevator pitch and where to showcase it to grab the attention of the right people!

7pm: Group Dinner We’ve got a great spot in mind that we know you’ll love!

Day Six - Resumes & Muay Thai

Koh Phangan

7-8 / 8-9am: Workout If you’re a morning person, like Michelle, you can join her for a 7am workout session, or if you prefer a later start, join Joe at 8am.

10am - 12pm: Workshop - Resume WritingLearn how to create a remote ready resume that gets you noticed for all the right reasons!

2 - 3pm: Muay Thai Class Get your blood pumping and learn the basics of Thailand’s national sport.

4 - 6pm Workshop Create your winning resume! Today’s the day you’ll finalise your resume ready to send off to your target companies.

Day Seven - Yoga & Job Applications

Koh Phangan

8 - 9:30am Yoga Experience a professional yoga class on one of the most spiritual islands in Thailand (and the world).

10am - 12pm Workshop LinkedIn Optimisation 101 - Discover the ways to enhance your LinkedIn to attract remote employers.

1:30 - 3:30pm Workshop Job Applications: The most effective ways to apply to remote jobs and make open applications to companies without relevant openings.

8 - 12pm Muay Thai Fight Watch a professional Muay Thai Fight.

Day Eight - Snorkeling & Searching for Remote Work

Koh Phangan

7-8 / 8-9am: Workout Join Michelle or Joe (or both) in the morning workout.

10am - 2pm: Snorkel Time We’ll explore the island’s best snorkelling spots and stop by at Bottle Beach for lunch - one of the best spots on the island that’s only accessible by boat!

4 - 6pm Workshop: Finding Fully Remote Jobs Part 1- Where to find hidden remote jobs in your field using specialist job boards and Google Advanced searching.

Day Nine - Networking & Wakeboarding

Koh Phangan

7 - 9am: Paddle Board Drop in any time and paddle board right on your door step.

10am - 3pm: Co work day & Networking Today we’ll go to Sunset Hill, a co working place with a sea view, to show you where and how to network to find more opportunities and increase your chances of landing a remote job! Don’t worry, we’ll break in between to have lunch. 

3:30- 6:30pm Wakeboarding What better way to get your heart pumping than wakeboarding? Jamie, your wake board instructor has been instructing for over 10 years- so you’re in good hands to learn some new skills!

6:30pm Quiz time Quizzes at Tiki are always good fun - lets unwind and meet some new people at the quiz night.

Day Ten - Finding & Applying to Remote Jobs 

Koh Phangan

7-8am / 8-9am: Workout Join Michelle or Joe (or both) in the morning workout.

10am - 12pm Workshop Finding Fully Remote Jobs Part 2 - Where to find hidden remote jobs via groups, communities and events.

12 -1:30pm Free Time

1:30 - 3:30pm Workshop Applying with confidence- Apply to jobs with Michelle guiding you through them and providing feedback.

6:30pm: Sunset & Dinner We know a great place to watch a stunning sunset and eat great food! You’ve had a busy day today- you deserve it!

Day Eleven - Hiking, LinkedIn & Applying

Koh Phangan

7 - 10am: Hike/ Crossfit Weather dependent, we’ll either hike to a beautiful view point or go to a crossfit class- either way we’ll get our heart rates up!

10.30am - 12.30pm Workshop LinkedIn Deep Dive: Reach expert level at Linkedin, become more visible.

2 - 5pm Workshop Applying with Confidence Part 2- Apply to jobs with Michelle guiding you through them and providing feedback.

Day Twelve - Interviewing & Catamaran Sailing

Koh Phangan

7-8 / 8-9am: Workout Join Michelle or Joe (or both) in the morning workout.

10am - 12pm Workshop How to interview impressively: Uncover the secrets to impressing remote first companies! We’ll cover how to answer common questions, the right (and wrong) questions to ask and how to talk about salary. 

1:30- 3:30pm Workshop Finishing touches: Time for the finishing touches to your resume, LinkedIn, cover letters to ensure you’ve got everything you need to continue your remote job search from here. 

3:30 - 7pm Sunset Sailing What better way to wrap up the trip than a Catamaran champagne cruise?! We’ll stop by a nice spot so you can jump into the water, or simply relax with music playing surrounded by wonderful people.

7pm Buffet at Tiki It’s been a long day, so we’ll have a nutritious local thai buffet spread ready for when you get back to Tiki.

Day Thirteen - Planning Next Steps

Koh Phangan

It’s been 12 days of soul searching, learning and discovery- so instead of overwhelming you with more activities, today is the day where we’ll help you organise what you’re doing next. If you want to get home, we’ll confirm your trip back to Bangkok for your flight home. Or if you want to stay in Thailand/ South East Asia longer, we’ll help you plan your trip and give recommendations! This is a day to collaborate with your group on ideas youve had throughout the trip and ensure you make the most of the DNA & RR team by asking them as much as you need to know!

Day Fourteen - Reflection Time

Koh Phangan

Today is the final, official, day of the trip. If you’re not staying on in Tiki/ Koh Phangan longer (which you’re more than welcome to do), you’ll be making your way to Bangkok for your flight home, or to your next destination wherever that may be!

Step 1: Get you name on the waiting list

Only 12 spots available for this exclusive experience!

Remote Rebellion Retreat 🏝️

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Step 2: Book a discovery call with Michelle

⬆️ The booking Link Will Appear after submitting the form ⬆️

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